- QRP EME spojení v pásmu 10 GHz.
S informací o zajímavém QRP EME QSO se podělil Ivan IZ0JNY. Ivan je QRV 10 a 24 GHz, v pásmu 47 GHz již poslouchá šum Slunce a Měsíce. Ivan posílá tuto informaci.
Hi everyone, yesterday we finally did it, after several failed attempts in the past few months. The QSO was made yesterday evening at 21:31 UTC, with the Moon around 18°EL and 270°AZ. Spreading <15 and good weather conditions.
I6YPK: 100cm Gibertini SE satellite dish, 25W at the feed input, WG system, JN72dj
IZ0JNY: 100cm Gibertini SE satellite dish, 19W at feed input, WG system, JN61pm
We choose the mode Q65-120E inspired by an article of Charlie DL3WDG/G3WDG on the EME newsletter of October 2021 (pag. 9). Conditions and sked planned thanks to the EME Link Budget & Analysis Tool developed by our colleague Gerald OE2IGL and Joachim DF3GJ: https://wettersat.bplaced.net/EME/EME.html
The QSO was completed very smoothly, to our incredible amazement..
Below the screenshots of the QSO.
73*s de Ivan IZ0JNY and Bruno I6YPK